Sunday, June 22, 2008

Home Alone

I have had the house to myself for the last few days, and all I can think of to describe the experience is "delicious." TV commercials call a day at the spa or a honeymoon to Jamaica delicious, but I really think the word applies better to my weekend of solitary living. I can't say why it has been so great, either. It's not like I don't enjoy the company of my parents or my aunt who is living with us right now. In fact, I like them all quite a bit. It's just been different to be here alone. Maybe it's a hint from the universe or my biological clock or something that it's time to have more of my own space. Whatever the case, it was really nice. I slept on the couch every night, walked around in my underwear, cleaned the bathroom (who knows why that was fun, but it was), and took naps without having to justify myself to anyone. Perhaps weeks of this living all alone would become not so fun, but 5 days has been wonderful. I guess I should say that I wasn't totally alone the whole time--I've been watching Kim and Shawn's new dog while they are camping, and that's been wonderful too. He's a perfect dog, just like the kind you see at parks in the movies. He sleeps on the living room floor all day (he is sleeping at my feet as I write), and he goes running with me in 90-degree weather for 6 miles without complaining. He goes outside to do his business, and he likes to snuggle. So my weekend has been enhanced by having him here. If I ever find myself living alone someday, I think I will definitely look into getting a dog. Oh yes, one other thing that made the weekend great...I bought a trampoline! I love trampolines a lot.

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